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Product Name: Cali Crusher Homegrown 4 Piece Grinder
Brand: Cali Crusher
Teeth - 9.9/10
Materials used - 9.9/10
Design - 9.9/10
The regular size 4 piece grinder from Cali Crusher. Made in San Diego, CA USA. Need I say more?
This grinder is part of the Cali Crusher Homegrown products that also include the Cali Crusher Homegrown 2 Piece Grinder and the Cali Crusher Homegrown 4 Piece Pocket Grinder.
While we compared the 2 Piece grinder to the iPhone, and the 4 Piece pocket to the iWatch, the regular full size 4 piece grinder is very much with a MacBook Pro. This is a fantastic grinder.
Firstly, there is a multitude of colors to choose from.

Each color looks fantastic, with the gold one being probably on of the more popular models.

Honestly, all colors look good. You could even consider buying two. The green one being the second most popular.
Let’s find out more and take a closer look at the pros of this grinder.
In many ways, this grinder has those little things solved that make a normal grinder feel rather sluggish after a while. It’s very well designed, making it a perfect grinder for daily use.
Firstly I want to mentioned that the material of all 4 pieces is aerospace grade aluminum and the exterior finish is amazing to the touch. It’s scratch resistant.
Now, we’ll go through the 3 compartments and the 4 pieces.
Right from the start we have the teeth.

Notice how they don’t have the usual endings. The teeth of this grinder are the first amazing improvement you’ll notice.
With a larger or normal size 4 piece grinder I expect to be able to add a bud inside and just grind it. But with most grinders you get that smushed bud that makes it both hard to grind and makes it hard to close the cap. But with the Cali Crusher, you get teeth that have endings that solve this problem. Most grinders have flat teeth endings, while the Homegrown grinders have the perfect design to crush and grind all the weed.

In fact this improvement is a patented dual action radial cut teeth in order to achieve “maximum shredding”.
The top piece works with a magnet, but even this is neodymium magnet which means a strong magnet for “superior closure”.
Then we have the first catching compartment.
Two things you’ll notice here.
One is the reinforced screen which is another great addition. And the second thing is the quarter turn locking mechanism.

The screen feature, is very nice as it prevents bending of the screen or other accidents. With most 4 piece grinders, the screen is liable to being damaged first. Again, I have to say that it’s very well build and gives a strong sense of sturdiness.
Then to top things of, there is the quarter turn closing system which is amazing. I would rate it as one of the main features of this grinder and the rest of the Homegrown models. Anyone that uses the full turn closing system knows that sooner or later the weed clogs it up. You have to clean your grinder regularly. But with this system, you don’t even have to worry about cleaning your grinder. Again, full marks here for the design.
Then as a last piece you have the kief catching compartment.

From top to bottom, this grinder is the one to have. It looks great, it works even better which makes it the ideal grinder to have.
NOTE: This grinder has been included in the best weed grinder list as one of the best.