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The Aloha Bunchbowl is a very popular pipe that I am very excited to get to write about today. These are pipes that are actually manufactured in Hawai’i in the USA. They make the perfect gift for someone special or for when the holidays come around.
This pipe is also a great alternative (and improved version some would say) of the popular Proto Pipe that can be hard to find now-a-days.
Aloha Punchbowl Shaka Pipe Review Card

Product Name: Aloha Punchbowl Shaka Pipe
Brand: Aloha Bunchbowl
Functionality - 9.8/10
Design - 9.9/10
Value - 9.7/10
The Aloha Punch Bowl is a weed pipe we really like. It’s quickly became a best seller for a reason. It’s discreet, easy to carry anywhere and it’s built to last you a lifetime.
The first to mention is that this pipe is actually part of a gift set. So the first thing you will notice about it is that it comes in a beautifully crafter carrying case just like the one in the image below.

Here is what you will find in the box and how the pipe looks like.

First we have the actual pipe with the Alohapunch logo on the perfectly gliding lid. Then we have the long poker for cleaning the pipe and for adjusting the screw on the lid. And the extra storage tube is more than enough to have several reloads available.

As I mentioned in the intro these pipes are manufactured in Hawai’i. I consider this to be a premium pipe that can literally last you several lifetimes. This is a pipe to pass along to your children. All joking aside the quality of these pipes is second to none.
This is true for this pipes as well their other products which you might also find interesting and maybe a better fit for your needs.
Is case you are new to what this type of pipe design is and how it works here is video from the manufacture’s YouTube Channel.