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Product Name: Space Case 4 Piece Medium Size Titanium Grinder
Brand: Space Case
Manufacturer - 9.9/10
Shredding - 9.8/10
Design - 9.7/10
The Space Case name is well recognized due to it’s perfectly crafted grinders. This Space Case 4 Piece Medium Size Titanium grinder is the excellent choice for daily use as it delivers top shredding and is long lasting.
This Grinder is part of the Space Case Titanium series grinders which also includes the 4 Piece Large Size grinder and the 4 piece Mini Size grinder. Virtually the same grinder, the only difference being the size. If you’re looking for a larger grinder then check out the large one but keep in mind this medium sized one is the perfect size grinder for even a daily user, while the large one suit anyone who shreds larger amounts at once, while the small one is mostly targeted towards occasional users.
Below in an image of the 3 available sizes, with the large having a diameter of 3.5 inches (9 cm) and this medium model having a diameter of only 2.2 inches (6 cm) which makes is just the right size. It’s height is just under 2 inches which again is just perfect when considering it’s a 4 piece grinder we’re talking about.

A Space Case Grinder – A Premium Grinder
If you’re considering purchasing this grinder, we can only encourage you into making that decision. And that’s because this is a top premium long-lasting grinder.
The grinders from Space Case are the Rolls Royces of grinders.
Let’s look over some of the most common features of this grinder and what makes a Space Case grinder special.
Once you get your hand on this grinder, the first thing you will notice is the design and the awesome feel and touch. It looks amazing and it feels amazing. The material used to manufacture these awesome grinders is aircraft grade aluminum and the aluminum finish is top top quality.
Going over and analyzing this grinder from top to bottom we have the Space Case written logo on the top lid as well as the “Made in USA” message. The way that the logo and message are printed is also a good indication of whether or not the product is an original.
As you open the top and see the first compartment, you will see the sharp diamond shaped teeth that are what deliver the perfect shredding. These teeth will never dull as they were CNC machined and also worth mentioning is the fact that with the titanium finish these teeth require less cleaning then traditional grinders as they have non-stick properties so less material gets stuck in-between or on the teeth. And if that wasn’t enough let’s not forget the centering wedges on the outer edge that push the herbs back to the center for constant movement and perfect easy shredding.

This top lid has neodymium magnets to seal it shut and ensures a good and tight closure that again will last a lifetime. And one more thing to mention is the teflon grade O-rings with ensures a smooth grinding motion (and no metal shavings) even with the toughest herbal material.
Moving on we have the second compartment where I have not that many thing to add, other than the high quality screen.

And then we have the bottom compartment where all the keif gets caught. What I have noticed is that unlike other grinders, the kief has no impurities and that’s only due to the fine screen that this grinder is equipped with. This bottom piece has nice, rounded edges which makes it easy to scrape the pollen and the included Space Case pollen pick is a well included bonus.

Overall definitely one of the best grinders on the market.