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Product Name: Proto Pipe
Brand: Pete's Pipes
Availability: LimitedAvailability
Manufacturer - 9.9/10
Functionality - 9.9/10
Design - 9.6/10
A classic pipe that has stood the test of time and we fully recommend it.
- Durable
- Easy to clean
- A classic
- Large container
- not that much

Update: We have first reviewed this pipe back in 2016. After intensive use we can wholeheartedly say this is one of the best weed smoking pipes on the market.
The Proto Pipe is a popular screenless pipe which comes with a built-in storage compartment. This original deluxe edition from Pete’s Pipes is guaranteed to last you a long time, and the storage compartment is large enough to hold your stash.
A Little History
In fact this pipe goes way back to the early 60’s in the United States when the hippies designed it. It eventually became a popular choice for smokers all around the world due to it’s functionality, portability and storage ability. And we didn’t even mention the very cool design.

In more ways than one this could be an ideal pipe for a lot of smokers, but they might not even realize it.
Let’s discover this pipe together and see how it works and see if this is the pipe for you.
As with all pipes from Pete’s Pipes, you will find the packing to be very nice with the well known logo on the box.

The first impression I had opening the box was the amazing finish. The gold brass looks incredibly nice in real life.

The box comes with the following items: the actual pipe with the ash tray trap, the storage tube and the poker cleaning tool. It’s important to mention here that the pipe and all the components are made of brass which guarantees that this pipe will never break and will last a lifetime.
Before I saw it in real life, this particular pipe looked overly complex, mainly due to the storage tube. But in fact it’s not that complex at all and it’s incredibly compact and portable.

How it Works
Now let’s take a look at the mechanics of this pipe and how it actually works.
Above, you’ll notice the top lid that swivels left and right to open and you can place your smoking material and light it up.
Then we have the poker cleaning tool.

And the component that I was most interested in is the storage compartment. It’s larger than I expected and is what makes this pipe extremely portable while making sure you have a decent amount of smoking material with you.
Then the fun part comes, where we use the poker tool to clean the pipe, and the system works brilliantly. Below you can see how the ash compartment is removed.
Placing it back is just as simple.
All you need to do to put the ash tray back it align the dots and push it back in. It’s even easier than taking it out.
And overall that’s how this small and compact pipe works.
The Original Proto Pipe (How to Check)
One other thing to mention regarding this pipe is the fact that there are other copies but the original Proto Pipe from Pete’s Pipes is the one you want. You will notice that the original one has the logo on the lid but also a marking within the pipe which is visible when you remove the storage compartment.

Opinions from Reddit
This Brass Protopipe by Pete’s Pipes has only great reviews and fully deserved. Below is an excerpt from a review we’ve found posted in an online forum.
This is the original and real deal! These are getting very difficult to find making them highly collectible!
We couldn’t agree more. A must buy for anyone who is looking for one of the most portable and easy to use pipes on the market. It will last you a lifetime.