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NOTE: This product has been discontinued. Click here to check other Grenco Science colab type products.
Design - 9.8/10
Portability - 9.6/10
Value - 9/10
The Snoop Dog G Pen Vaporizer is the first product released in a Double G Series collection, a group of products created by Grenco Science in collaboration with Snoop himself. This is a small and portable vape pen for ground material (dry herb) that delivers outstanding results and has a totally unique exterior design. You will notice an intricately designed roadmap of Long Beach on this G Pen which simply looks amazing in the royal blue color. You know Snoop would not have it any other way.
The product arrives is a very slick box with the Grenco logo on top and the Snoop Dog logo on the sides with the same roadmap design pattern that is to be found on the vaporizer.

In the box you will find the following items: the rechargeable battery, the loose leaf tank, the USB charger and wall adapter, three cleaning Q-tips, a cleaning brush and two glass sleeves. While unpacking this vaporizer you really get the feeling that you receive a lot of things.

What what interesting to see was the fact that a G wall adapter is included as most other vaporizer do not include it. And speaking of the wall adapter, one of the first things you need to do before taking your first hits is to fully charge the device. In order to do this you simply have unscrew the G Pen battery and connect it to the USB charger. After that you will see the battery blink 3 times indicating charging is in progress. When the battery is fully charged the red light in the wired USB will turn green. Keep in mind that it is recommended that for the initial 3 charging cycles you allow between 3 and 4 hours of charge time.
After charging is done you need to assemble the unit back together. Then in order to pack the vaporizer with your herbal material you have to unscrew the mouthpiece, load the herbal tank and then reattach the mouthpiece.
Then once the mouthpiece is back all you have to do is hit the power button 5 times for the vaporizer to activate and then hold the power button as you inhale. And that’s all there is to it.
As far as quality of smoke and vapor goes it is good to great for this vaporizer. I was impressed. It felt amazing to hold this vaporizer in my hand and take a hit. Only it’s worth mentioning that the top part with the tank does get hot. So be sure to to not touch the herbal tank and other items near the heating element for a minimum of 45 sec after usage.
And speaking of the herbal tank there is one more thing I want to add and that is that the glass has a limited durability and therefore time span. So the reinforced glass tank I’ve heard can break. But Grenco does include the extra sleeve so that is nice.

And although this is a herbal vaporizer you should know that by purchasing the G Pen Coil you can easily vape concentrates as well. Only the G Pen coil obviously does not come in the matching design.
Then the last part is the cleaning phase. After you’ve used this vaporizer, cleaning it is also a very easy process with the help of the included brush and Q-tips. Cleaning a vaporizer should always be as easy as possible and this particular model is super easy.
Overall I like this product a lot. But I have to say that although the price is a fair one it’s mostly a premium product given the design and life span. This is definitely a collector’s item more than a daily vape so make sure you take that into consideration when making your final decision on this product.