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Information - 9.9/10
Recipes - 9.9/10
Photography - 9.8/10
Herb: Mastering the Art of Cooking with Cannabis is probably the cannabis recipe and cooking book you have been looking for. Chefs Laurie Wolf and Melissa Parks along with the team at HERB (formaly The Stoners Cookbook) with photography by Bruce Wolf were the quartet involved in bringing this book to completion.
Available as a hardcover, paperback and kindle I really do recommend the Hardcover edition. This is pretty much a personal preference so you can go with whichever edition you usually prefer for a cookbook. I usually like cookbooks in Kindle format but I do have to mention here that the Kindle edition has had some problems which a lot of customers have complained about and I believe the Kindle version is momentarily suspended. So the hardcover edition for me.
This book is 200 pages in length and as expected the book starts with a a short introduction to weed and cannabis is general after which it’s all recipes. Over 100 recipes neatly organized and all accompanied by amazing photographs.
The recipes start with dips and appetizers then moving on to sandwiches, pizza/pasta & risotto, entrees, drinks, baked goods and finishing with cookies and desserts. Truthfully there is something for everyone and the indications are as simple as they come. Some of my favorites are the Orange Sesame Chicken and the Mexican Hot Chocolate.
Overall I can only recommend this book for all people who wish to learn and eventually master cooking with cannabis.