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Click here to check out the Black Leaf Bong
Manufacturer - 9.8/10
Value - 9.6/10
Design - 9.6/10
The Black Leaf Glass Ice Bong with precooler is a top bong representing excellent value. First and foremost, Black Leaf is a well known brand that always delivers top quality. This is not exception. Depending on what you are looking for this might be the right bong for you. This particular model is a best seller so let’s look over why that is and what you can expect to get with this bong.
Your first decision will have to be the color. This model comes in 4 colors, with the black and amber ones being the most popular. I personally like the amber color the best.

This bong is manufactured from high quality borosilicate glass which makes is very resistant. It’s this glass that gives this bong a nice and sturdy feel right from the first time you pick it up. The glass thickness is 3.2mm while the overall design is very nice and offers great functionality.
Analyzing the bong from top to bottom, we first have the solid rim which similar to the base and precooler is painted in the color of the bong. A bit further down on the tube we can find an etched Black Leaf logo similar to the image below.
As we move down the tube we notice the ice notches which fit in perfectly and are not to close to the rim of the bong. Right beneath the ice notches we have the 6-slit dome percolator which along with the precooler is the magic that deliver the cool and smooth smoke.

Moving further down we have the beaker base which is a design I prefer. It contributes a lot to the sturdy feel that this bong has. The base is again painted in the color of the bong.

The last pieces of this bong I want to talk about is the 5.5 inches long downstem and the bowl/precooler. Nowadays I absolutely could not imagine buying a bong that does not have an ashcatcher as it makes everything much easier and cleaner while also preventing any ash from entering in the base. This ensures that not only the ash stays out, but also other potentially harmful substances which also means your water remains cleaner for a longer period of time.And this bong’s bowl also has a precooler fits in perfectly with the downstem. And the downstem also has slits in it that means it’s diffused which means smoother hits from more bubbles.

Overall this is an fantastic bong at an amazing price. If this is your first bong or want to upgrade from a “no-name” bong it’s probably one of the best choices you can make. You will get a nice cooled and smooth smoke each and every time with no worries for cleaning out the ash or water too often.
From my point of view a highly recommended bong that is a best seller with good reasons.